Nelson Dermatology
St. Petersburg ST. Pete Beach

BodyFX Fat Reduction

Slim Down with Radiofrequency Energy in St. Petersburg, South Pasadena, and Tampa Bay

Just about anyone who has tried to shape and tone their body with diet and exercise alone can tell you: Fat can be stubborn. While physical activity and careful meal planning can help you to lose weight, isolated fat pockets are not so easily reduced. That's why Nelson Dermatology offers BodyFX fat reduction in Tampa Bay.

As an adult, the number of fat cells—adipocytes—you have is essentially fixed. When you gain or lose weight, you do not significantly gain or lose fat cells. Instead, your existing fat cells grow or shrink, with multiple factors, including genetics, playing a role in where the most stubborn fat cells congregate. For some people, it's on the thighs, while others have a persistent belly. Disrupting those fat cells with BodyFX fat reduction so that they break apart is an effective way to "spot treat" these persistent areas.

Schedule your consultation for BodyFX fat reduction in St. Petersburg or South Pasadena. Call the Tampa Bay area's Nelson Dermatology at (727) 895-8131.

What Does BodyFX Treat?

The radiofrequency energy emitted by the BodyFX device is ideal for targeting fat cells in traditionally "stubborn" areas. The fat reduction treatment can be used to slim down the abdomen, flanks (where love handles develop), hips, and thighs. It can also help to tighten lax skin, as well as smooth out areas where cellulite makes the skin appear dimply.

Who Performs BodyFX Fat Reduction at Florida's Nelson Dermatology?

Sophisticated devices like BodyFX have advanced controls in place to help create consistent results, but they still need a skilled physician to operate them to achieve the best fat reduction results possible. The board-certified dermatologists at Nelson Dermatology draw on their thorough knowledge of skin—as well as how it relates to underlying fat, muscle, and other tissues—to create treatment regimens that allow our patients to achieve a naturally slimmer, contoured look.

What Can I Expect from a BodyFX Session?

Because nonsurgical fat reduction with BodyFX does not require incisions or injections, a treatment session can be completed in a relatively short amount of time and requires no down time for healing.

When the device is activated, patients will feel a gentle pull on the targeted tissue, which will then be heated to a warmth comparable to a deep-tissue massage. The patient may then feel some light electrical pulses of the radiofrequency energy, as it pulsates through the skin.

There may be swelling, redness, some discomfort, and bruising in the treated area following the session, but these are all common side effects and go away with no special treatment.

How Does BodyFX Fat Reduction Work?

BodyFX is the most advanced RF fat reduction device available. The handpiece uses "negative pressure" that pulls tissues upward into the device while it is pressed directly against the body. The device then begins to deliver targeted radiofrequency energy to heat the deeper layers of the skin and underlying fat cells. Heat generated in these tissue layers causes fat cells to rupture, freeing their contents and prompting the body to begin clearing out the unwanted material—a natural, automatic process known as apoptosis. The heating process also causes tightening of the existing collagen, as well as induces the production of new collagen and elastin in the skin. This allows the BodyFX fat reduction device to not only reduce unwanted fat, but also simultaneously tighten the skin in the treatment area, achieving patients' simultaneous cosmetic goals with a single treatment device.

In the weeks following a fat reduction treatment, the targeted area will gradually slim down as ruptured fat cells are cleared away through apoptosis. The skin in this area will also tighten, leading to flatter, firmer contours.

Fat cells damaged by BodyFX and then metabolized by the body do not "regrow." The fat reduction results are long lasting, especially if you maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Patients typically require multiple fat reduction treatment sessions to get their ideal results.

What Other Body Contouring Treatments Are Available?

Patients seeking cosmetic rejuvenation treatments to contour the body often focus on larger pockets for fat reduction, but it is also important to address skin laxity—especially loose tissue that sags and droops on the face—to get a naturally slim look. Forma skin tightening uses radiofrequency energy to remodel and tighten small skin areas, such as the neck and just below the chin.

Whether you simply have the look of a double chin, want to address unwanted fat pockets, or just want to tighten your wrinkles, the Nelson Dermatology team can help.

Schedule your consultation to discuss BodyFX fat reduction cost, results, and other details in St. Petersburg or South Pasadena. Call Nelson Dermatology at (727) 895-8131.

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